Discografia Valkyrian

La discografia di Valkyrian è costituita da 2 album, e un lavoro audio/video, pubblicati tra il 2003 e il 2007


Cd, 2003
1) Ride of... the picture 2) Funebry 3) Poor beast 4) Sweet act of rebellion 5) Death delights me 6) Brother metal 7) Valkyrian

...Of Boredom And Sorrow

Cd, 2005, Autoproduzione
1) Inno a Satana 2) Bloody Obsession 3) The (first) Book Of Urizen 4) Insane Existence 5) Chaotic Voices 6) Anonymous Manuscript 7) Hell (Mundi Alumni) 8) Heaven

Fragments Of Limbic Lobe

Mcd, 2007
1) Panormaic over the lobe 2) Sciarada 3) Doubt 4) John Doe presents himself