Discographie The Legend of the Sleeping River

La discographie di The Legend of the Sleeping River se compose de un albume un lavoro audio/video, sortis entre 1996 et 2001

The First Moon

Mc, 1996, Autoproduzione
1) The First Moon (Intro) 2) In The Ice Of Your Eyes 3) End 4) ..Is My Sentence 5) Into Desire 6) Four Moons (Outro)

A Mirror To The Rising Sun

Mc, 1998, Autoproduzione
1) My Warpath 2) Enemy's Gloomy Blood 3) A MIrror To The Rising Sun 4) Wonderly Float 5) Bloody River 6) Bleed To Death 7) Bloody River Part 2

Run With Wolves

Cd, 1999, Autoproduzione
1) Run with wolves 2) Serenity 3) Gamera 4) Wonderly rude ("Wonderly float" remake) 5) Into Desire 6) Gamera - something else to destroy 7) Ken Shiro


Mcd, 2001, Autoproduzione
1) Legend 2) Your game 3) Movie 4) The Beast