Discographie The Fifth Season
La discographie di The Fifth Season se compose de un albume un lavoro audio/video, sortis entre 2002 et 2006
The Fifth Season
Mcd, 2002, Autoproduzione
1) Evanescence (Instrumental) 2) Spring In A Drop 3) Breathe Of Summer 4) Autumn-After The Silence 5) Winter (Instrumental) 6) The Fifth Season
Stronger, Perfect
Mcd, 2005, Autoproduzione
1) Prologue: "The First Sun" 2) Act I: "The Thaw" 3) Act II: "The Hatch" 4) Act III: "The Marching Truth"
Stronger, Perfect
Cd, 2006
1) Prologue - The First Sun 2) Act I - The Thaw 3) Act II - The Hatch [The Mountain] 4) Act II - The Hatch [The Flow] 5) Act II - The Hatch [The Valley] 6) Act III - The Marching Truth 7) Interlude - The Hidden God 8) Act IV - O Theophagos 9) Epilogue - The Demission