Discographie Cruentus
La discographie di Cruentus se compose de un albume un lavoro audio/video, sortis entre 1994 et 2006
When the World Ends to be
Mc, 1994, Autoproduzione
1) Under Hypnosis 2) Reborn from the Infernal Ashes 3) Genocide 4) Seeking the Truth 5) In an Endless Spiral 6) Harassing Melody 7) Fire Rain 8) When the World Ends to be 9) Intro/ Faded Horizon 10) Thr prophecy (outro)
In Myself
Cd, 1996, Flying
1) Trip Into The Absolut Vacuum 2) Reborn From The Infernal Ashes! 3) Genocide 4) Seeking The Truth 5) Save Your Tears! 6) Under The Same Sky 7) Contitioned Mind 8) ...In An Endless Spiral 9) In Myself 10) Paths In Memory
Promo 2006
Mcd, 2006, Autoproduzione
1) Accomplice of your destiny 2) Get high 3) Grains 4) Towards the unknown 5) Wounds