Discographie Vow Dreams

La discographie di Vow Dreams se compose de un albume un lavoro audio/video, sortis entre 1998 et 2004

Secret Spirit

Mc, 1998, Autoproduzione
1) Intro/The Songs of the Souls 2) The Ghost Revelation 3) Secret Spirit 4) The Tower of London 5) Story of a Ghost

Story Of A Ghost

Mc, 1999
1) Story Of A Ghost

In Immense Silence

Mc, 2002, Autoproduzione
1) The Songs of the Souls 2) A Cry in the Night 3) Fear 4) In Immense Silence

The Castle of the Lost Souls

Mcd, 2003, Autoproduzione
1) Intro 2) The Castle of the Lost Souls 3) The Living Cemetery 4) Dance of the Entity

Dead Two Times

Cd, 2004, Autoproduzione