Inside, The Moon
- 1) Prelude to a Dream (00:56)
- 2) Forests of Sound (07:24)
- 3) Wind of Illusion (06:29)
- 4) Deserts (07:22)
- 5) Waterfalls (07:32)
- 6) Memories (06:38)
- 7) Crystal Eyes (04:24)
- 8) Inside the Moon (05:22)
- 9) Unlocked Dreams (01:18)
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Inside, The Moon
Duración total: 47:41
Género: Power metal
Il disco è diviso in due parti. "Part 1: Elements" racchiude i brani da 1 a 5. "Part 2: Unlocked Dreams" racchiude i brani da 6 a 9.