Discography Viscera

La discografia di Viscera è costituita da 2 album, e un lavoro audio/video, pubblicati tra il 2003 e il 2007

Entrails Defecation

Cd, 2003
1) Bloodlust 2) 2 Feet Closer 3) Shaggy Don't Preach! 4) Dead Man Burning 5) Eve of Chaos 6) R.I.P. 7) Congestive Heart Failure

Manifestaciòn de Execrable Violencia

Mcd, 2004
1) Antropophagous International Feast 2) Oficina de Puercos 3) Don't Feed the Animals 4) Anthill Ignorance 5) Emptiness or Deceit?


Cd, 2007, Apocalypse Now Music / SFC
1) Focus: The First Eye 2) Keep On Bluesing Through The Stars 3) Iris Overburden 4) Shape Of God 5) Few Years To Live 6) White Flies Might Rule The World