Phono Emergency Tool

Phono Emergency Tool


  • 1) Broken bones (03:34)
  • 2) Close your mind (03:19)
  • 3) Cruel to you (04:10)
  • 4) You're gonna cry (02:29)
  • 5) Safe (02:21)
  • 6) Goblin little lover (03:43)
  • 7) A nasty joke (02:40)
  • 8) The stars of incapacity (04:06)
  • 9) Brand new friend (02:59)
  • 10) Breaking my shell (01:58)
  • 11) Digger doo (03:20)
  • 12) Is mud or honey? (02:17)
  • 13) Them (03:37)
  • 14) If i just lose control (05:51)
  • 15) Our best days (04:43)
  • 16) I'd rather be a mosquito (03:29)
    Bonus track

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Phono Emergency Tool - Phono Emergency Tool

Phono Emergency Tool

Phono Emergency Tool

Cd-r, 2005, Autoproduzione
Durée totale: 54:36

Genre: Pop , Rock , Rock

Renseignements pris à partir du disque

Registrato e mixato al Sub Cave studio di Bologna da Pecos eccetto “Breaking my shell” e “I’d rather be a mosquito” registrati e mixati al Bullshit studio da Andrea Sgarzi.
Cover design by Marco Lama

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Andrea Sgarzi: chitarra elettrica, chitarra folk e voce
Sandro Sgarzi: basso, tastiera e voce
Marco Lama: batteria, slide guitar, cimbali, cori